Resilient Cyber
Resilient Cyber Podcast
S2E1: Michael Baker - VP/CISO at GDIT - Business Acumen, Leadership & the Evolution of the CISO

S2E1: Michael Baker - VP/CISO at GDIT - Business Acumen, Leadership & the Evolution of the CISO

  • Leadership and Business Accumen, we know you're passionate about these topics. How much do you think these play a role in the success of a person's career in Cyber and do you think these are things some of us may overlook?

  • Organizational Influence is something we know you've spoken about. Can you elaborate on that? How do you go about influencing organizational change for cybersecurity, especially in organizations the size of GDIT? Does this change at all when you're trying to influence change at an external organization?

  • Team Building is undoubtedly something you've had to do throughout your career, do you have any tips for those looking to build strong teams?

  • On the topic of team building, there's also the topic of mentoring. Is this critical within teams? How about mentoring others outside of our team, and even outside of our organizations?

  • Being in a role such as VP and CISO at a major firm like GDIT, Executive Communication is key. Do you have advice for others when it comes to communicating cyber risks and objectives to executive leadership? 

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