Could you provide some advice for anyone who may want to be a CISO - or even provide some guidance for how and why someone may want to be a CISO?
You've written a book called "How to Measure Risk with Anything" - could you maybe provide some advice to cybersecurity professionals who have a topic in mind and want to write a book of their own?
With your vast knowledge and experience in cybersecurity leadership - can you give us an example of some of the major challenges or roadblocks you've seen in maturing a cybersecurity program?
You're currently the CISO and Co-Founder at Soluble which focuses on GitOps Security Testing. For those not familiar with it, What is GitOps? Why is this sort of testing valuable? Any thoughts on Compliance-as-Code?
How is it working as a CISO at a SaaS/Startup compared to some of your previous roles such as Kaiser Permanente and GE Healthcare?
Do you feel that Cloud presents new challenges for CISO's? If so, how? Any major recommendations for CISO's looking to get a handle on Cloud Security?
What does Cyber Resilient mean to you?
Resilient Cyber Podcast - Episode 19 - Richard Seiersen - CISO / Author
Jul 04, 2021
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